Friday 16 November 2012

Ramp Nation 2

After missing out on Ramp Nation last week, when we went to Hengrove instead, we made plans to hit it up on the Wednesday. After not really hearing anything all week, I finished work Wednesday night and had a missed call and a text from Josh making sure I was still up for it. Everyone was true to their word and in fact Andy came out of hibernation for it too, which was dope!

With the lack of lights and indoor facilities in Bath, combined with a burning desire to not ride anything that isn't a quarter or a jump box, Andy self proclaimed he was going into BMX hibernation over the winter, much to the disappointment of everyone else. But with the promise of virgin transition and a door to door lift, he was coaxed out.

After having driven on the last few outings, we agreed that it was Josh's turn to drive, being one of the few crew members that has a car. We made good time, and upon arrival the fairly attractive female skatepark attendant let us all just pay the price of an hour, for the hour and 45mins left of the session. The park was way quieter than the last time I went and thus I enjoyed it way more. However, on trying an unluc-e (something I'd never even thought about trying before) I was pretty unlucky. What was a real small fall, I somehow just twisted my "good" knee and it put me out for the rest of the session. In fact 48 hours on and I'm still pretty immobile which majorly sucks. I sat out, watched everyone ride, took advantage of the epic tuck shop, and then turned my attention to being the photographer.

Everyone was killing it. Andy, finally in his element with a decent jump box, showed off his smooth dog style. In harsh contrast John was on a mission to hit the biggest and gnarliest gaps in the place. He must of jumped the box backwards to flat at least 5 times. Which is rad in itself, but after every single one his cranks would slip and he'd have to spend at least ten minutes fixing them again, yet he kept going back and doing it again and again knowing full well what was going to happen, just for the love of it and the desire to go faster and higher. Now that's passion. And Josh, who's pretty dialled at the best of times, was just like the energiser bunny, riding pretty much non stop and doing loads of awesome stuff. Footjam on the sub-box out of the little mini ramp was a serious highlight. However, just to prove he is in fact human, a G-turn over the box just kept evading him, despite getting so so close, and only dabbing a foot on one attempt.

All in all, I'm bummed I got hurt, but it was still awesome seeing all my buds throw down.

Josh - styling over the box

Andy -  X up

Josh - F-jam whip

Andy -  behind the legs seat grab

Josh -  can't really remember what was going on in this little combo, but there was a footjam in it and it was awesome. 

Andy - Turndown

Andy - turndown

John - gapping the box backwards to flat

The gap was so gnarly his belt exploded on landing

John - wallride out of a real steep bank

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